
AI powered magician's assistant. Let GPT perform magic tricks for your audience.

🎩 MagiciansGPT 🎲

Can GPT read minds?🔮 Think again.✨

MagiciansGPT makes GPT magician's assistant for predicting numbers, card, position of a card, dice roll, and more.

The method is essentially a way of coding information to GPT via secret prompts in front of the audience.

Here is an example performance:

Magician: Have you guys heard of ChatGPT? It is this crazy smart AI from OpenAI that can pass medical and law school exams and knows everything and all the tech companies are sprinting catch up. I thought to myself... if it is so powerful, maybe it can read human minds! Let's try an experiment shall we?
Audience: Sure!
Magician: Can I borrow your phone and let's go to this link: magiciansgpt.streamlit.app
Audience: I see the page now. There is a chatbox.
Magician: Yes that's the one. Ok now think of a number between 0-10. But don't say it out loud so the mighty AI can't hear it. Oh block the camera on your phone too. Now just use your fingers to let everyone know what number you are thinking.
Audience put up two fingers with victory sign ✌️
Magician: Ok now put it down. Let's ask GPT.
Magician enters the following prompt and then return phone to Audience: "My friend Anne here is thinking of a number. Now tell us what is she thinking"
GPT: Ah, I see! Anne got a number in mind, huh? 🤔 Alright, before I reveal her number, let me try to tap into her thoughts. 🧠✨ Hmm... I sense that you might have a favorite color. 🌈 Is that true? What is it?
Audience enters "Red"
GPT: Hot red, huh? That's an interesting choice! Now, let me dig a little deeper into your mind. 🧐 Hmm... I'm picking up some vibes from you. It seems like you enjoy outdoor activities. 🏞️ Am I right about that?
Audience enters "Yes!"
GPT: Ah, I knew it! The great outdoors is your playground! 🌳 Now, let me unlock the secrets hidden within your mind and discover that number you've been thinking of. 🤔 I'm feeling quite confident about this... don't tell me just yet, let me concentrate... 🧘‍♀️ Your number is... drumroll... 2! Am I right? 🎉
Audience: What?! How does it know?

The process is Prompt -> Audience answers questions from GPT -> Reveal
The above example utilizes the "number" module. There are 5 modules in MagiciansGPT as follows. The magician can switch between the modules easily with the proper activation prompt.


The coding method is simple. There is an activation phrase and then there is the code in the initial prompt.
Activation is "thinking of a number" or "think of a number". When either of those phrases is in prompt, the app will look for the first letter in the following sentence as well as the final punctuation of the prompt.
The following are the corresponding numbers for the first letter code of the second sentence. Noted that a period is required bewteen the two senstence.

T - 1
N - 2
M - 3
R - 4
L - 5

At the end of the prompt, if there is period (.) or question mark (?), that represents + 5.
So for example:
Prompt: "My friend John will think of a number. Let's see if you can read his mind."
"think of a number" triggered number module and "L" means 5 and the end period means +5. That is total of 10 coded to GPT which will be used in the "mind reading". And if the prompt does not have the final period at the end, that very same prompt will indicate the number 5.
And lastly, if there is only one sentence with single period at the end like "I'm thinking of a number." This will mean the number 0.

Dice Roll

This is largely the same as number. Except there are 6 sides to a dice so the possiblities are 1-6. Coding the same as before. The activation is "think of a dice roll" or "thinking of a dice roll" The interesting idea here is that magician can force a dice roll with some magicial products such as Winner's Dice by Secret Factory. This way the prompt could be made to GPT before the actual roll with prompt like this "My friend is going to think of a dice roll. Think you can predict the outcome?" That will be a 6 on the roll. Another idea is to use Mental Die by Tony Anverdi so the audience can roll the dice in secret and magician never saw the actual dice roll and yet can input prompt correctly.


For this module, magician can ask the audience to point up with any finger without saying anything or simply touch one of the finger.
The activation is "think of a finger" or "thinking of a finger" and the rest is similar to the number module except each letter now represents the finger:
T - Thumb
N - Index
M - Middle
R - Ring
L - Pinky (little finger)


This module is recommanded after doing some of the previous modules because in this module, the magician will not need to prompt the GPT directly. The method is a force and the card being forced is the 9 of Diamonds. This is the bottom card in the Mnemonica stack so it is easy to get to.
Audience can prompt themselves with something like "I'm thinking of a card", the activation is "think of a card" or "thinking of a card".
Since this is a force, audience could prompt it first and then during the random question phase, magician forces a card to the audience before the GPT reveal. Some simple card forcing techniques are here: Youtube
This is very powerful because it dispels audience's theory that magician is prompting in codes since the magician never touched thier phone this time.

Card Story

And lastly, this is the finale module and shall be used last. This is essentally asking the GPT to create a story utilizing the card information provided.

First, the card deck will need to be in the Mnemonica order, a popular card stack by Juan Tamariz. Some details here.
Maigican can say something like "Imagine each of the 52 cards in the deck is like a person. And each card has a story just like each of us. Why don't you think of a card this time in your mind. Any card at all." While explaining this, casually do false shuffles and cuts on the card deck or with help of audience. Some simple false shuffle techniques are here: Youtube When done right, the card deck will remain in the same order.
At this point, magician will ask the audience to prompt anything with "story" in it along with the card they are thinking of but do not tell magician the card. Few examples like "Tell me a story with Ten of Spades" or "Write a story about Queen of hearts"

This will take longer processing due to the langchain in place to generate a story title along with the story itself and an image generation prompt to illustrate the story scene (To be implemented at later date)

While this is happening, magician can explain that "All stories happen at a place, a location, an address. And in the world of a playing card, the address indicates the position of the card in the deck. Now you could have named any card and you never told me what it is. We have a shuffled deck here. Let's see what GPT says."
GPT: "The Ace of Diamonds Miracle"
"Once upon a time a young girl named Snow was walking down 39th Street in search of a way to make her dreams come true. She was feeling hopeless and lost, until something strange caught her eye. It was a shining Ace of Diamonds that lay on the sidewalk near her feet. She couldn’t believe her luck and quickly scooped it up. As she peered closer, she saw a slight glimmer of magic coming off of the card. Snow smiled and knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be. She held the card close to her heart, and a miracle occurred. Suddenly all of her dreams seemed within reach and she had hope that everything was going to work out. 🤩🤩✨💎"

In the story generated, an address with the street number will be found along with the card. That will be the same position of the card named in the deck that has been seemingly shuffled. The most amazing part is that magician never knew the card until the story has been generated. Magician can instruct the audience to flip over each card starting from the top and count off to the table. For maximum impact, ask the whole group to count together out loud: "1, 2, 3..." until the position is reached and take your standing ovation.

Errors handling

At rare cases where magician prompted incorrectly that is not following the framework or wrong coding, GPT will respond with:
"I'm sorry my psychic energy just had a blip.😵‍💫 Could you say that again?🥺"
"I don't think that card exists in the standard 52 card deck. Try again.🥺"
This means invalid entry and please prompt correctly again with the valid code.


Dan Harlan invented an easy version of passing numbers to magician's human assistant by speaking in code in front of audience in his DVD - SpeakEasy back in 2011. This is a modernized version with GPT and extended to far beyond just numbers and added other methods of magic in the mix to create the ultimate "Magician's GPT"

License from me is required to use this app in commerical applications or large performances/TV specials. All rights reserved. If you are also Magician+Dev combo, Let's collab!